Elon Musk has very bad news for Twitter users in India


Elon Musk says Twitter is very slow in India. Musk even said sorry to users.

Twitter new CEO Elon Musk has said that the social networking app is very slow in India by saying that this is a ‘fact’ and not ‘claim’. Musk also said that 10-15 seconds to refresh homeline tweets is common and the issue is especially seen on Android phones. The new CEO of Twitter said this while replying to a tweet by former Meta CTO Mike Schroepfer (@schrep).

“Twitter is very slow in India, Indonesia & many other countries. This is fact, not “claim”. 10 to 15 secs to refresh homeline tweets is common. Sometimes, it doesn’t work at all, especially on Android phones. Only question is how much delay is due to bandwidth/latency/app.,” Musk tweeted.

While the tweet by Schroepfer read, “Basic internet math for @elonmusk’s claim load time in India is 20s because of 1200 RPC calls (v.s. 2s in US): Bangalore->SF is ~250ms 1200 *.25s = 5 minutes! Way off!! 20s load time = MAX of 80 sequential calls Reality is likely 5-10? 1200 is happing inside datacenter?”

The billionaire even apologized for Twitter being slow in many countries and informed that the app is doing more than 1000 poorly batched RPCs just to render a home timeline. “Btw, I’d like to apologize for Twitter being super slow in many countries. App is doing >1000 poorly batched RPCs just to render a home timeline!,” his tweet read.

Musk further informed that Twitter takes two seconds to refresh in the US while in India it takes 20 seconds. “I was told ~1200 RPCs independently by several engineers at Twitter, which matches # of microservices. The ex-employee is wrong. Same app in US takes ~2 secs to refresh (too long), but ~20 secs in India, due to bad batching/verbose comms. Actually useful data transferred is low,” he added.


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