Neha Dhupia is currently in Dubai, having a wonderful time with her husband, Angad Bedi. The actress recently shared some pictures from their amazing dining experience with friends at a Japanese restaurant. The diva couldn’t resist sharing this delicious experience with her Instagram followers, especially when it came to their delightful dessert. She took to Instagram Stories to give a glimpse of the sweet treats they indulged in. In the photo, we could see what appeared to be a passion fruit soufflé, elegantly topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The second dessert they relished was an exquisite cheesecake, beautifully adorned with raspberries. The presentation on the plate was quite stunning, making it a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds. Neha Dhupia called it “divine,” and we couldn’t agree more. Take a look:
Also Read: Neha Dhupia’s “Ultimate Love Affair” Is Not With Angad Bedi, But With This Dish
We know that, just like us, you must also be craving a bite of Neha’s dessert. Below are some sweet dish recipes that you can try your hand on:
1. Strawberry Cheesecake
This dessert comes with a combination of creamy and fruity flavours, offering a luscious treat that satisfies every sweet craving. It is perfect for celebrations or as a delightful ending to any meal. Click here for the recipe.
2. Pineapple Souffle
It is a light and fluffy tropical delight. The sweetness of pineapple perfectly complements the airy texture, making it a refreshing and delightful dessert to brighten any occasion. Recipe here.
3. Apple Pie
A timeless dessert cherished for its warm, cinnamon-spiced apple filling and flaky crust. The aroma of baked apples fills the air, evoking feelings of comfort and nostalgia. Want to give it a try? Click here.
Also Read: Neha Dhupia’s Latest Culinary Adventure Featured This Popular Japanese Dish
4. Chocolate Pudding
A velvety and smooth treat that satisfies chocolate cravings. Rich and decadent, it’s a delightful way to end any meal. A beloved dessert for chocolate enthusiasts of all ages. Find the recipe here.
5. Tiramisu
This Italian dessert is layered with coffee-soaked ladyfingers and creamy mascarpone cheese. It defines indulgence in the truest sense, and the flavours and textures will uplift your spirits. Click here for the recipe.
Which one of these is your favourite dessert? Tell us in the comment section.
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