Wednesday, March 5

Dangerous Google Chrome bugs detected! Update your browser NOW


Google Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers worldwide. If you’re using Chrome for your day-to-day tasks, here is a warning for you. It’s crucial to update your Google browser immediately! This is due to a dangerous exploit discovered recently by Google that can pose a significant risk to your device. In a blog post, Google has confirmed that the exploit affects Chrome on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Google has detected two security issues in the Chrome browser and acknowledges active exploitation of the flaw, stating that “Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2023-2033 exists in the wild.”

Google’s Threat Analysis Group identified the vulnerability, but a patch could not be developed before the initial Chrome exploits were detected. To address this security threat, Google has released a new Chrome update on the stable channel, and users should update their browsers as soon as possible. The latest version, 112.0.5615.121, will be rolled out gradually over the coming days or weeks.

Why should Chrome users update their browsers?

Using outdated software increases the risk of being affected by malicious acts or bugs, unlike those who frequently update their software. Updates not only fix reported vulnerabilities but also strengthen the software to prevent infection from unreported bugs.

Currently, the Google Chrome update (version 112.0.5615.121) is reported to address the issues and patch browser vulnerabilities. As such, it is highly recommended that Google Chrome users update to the latest version to avoid potential threats. Here are easy steps to update your Chrome browser.

How to update Google Chrome

1. To update Google Chrome, first, open the Chrome browser on your system.

2. Tap on three dots in the top right corner of the screen of web.

3. Click on Settings.

4. Then, click on ‘About Chrome’. Here, you will see which version you are using.

5. If it is on an older version, then it will automatically update your Google Chrome to the latest version.


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