AT&T Initiates Passcode Resets After Data Breach Impacting 73M Users


AT&T has taken swift action to reset customer account passcodes following the disclosure of a data breach dating back to 2019. The breach, affecting a staggering 73 million current and former users, marks a significant security lapse for the telecom giant, with leaked data including sensitive personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, and social security numbers.

Massive Data Leak and Security Concerns

The leaked data also includes encrypted account passwords. However, security experts caution that these passcodes are relatively easy to decipher, potentially leaving users vulnerable to unauthorized access. Passcodes, typically four-digit numbers, serve as an additional security layer for accessing AT&T services and accounts, both online and offline, reported TechCrunch.

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AT&T’s Response and Investigation

In response to the breach, AT&T has launched a thorough investigation, enlisting the support of internal and external cybersecurity experts. While the company asserts that there is no evidence of unauthorized access resulting in data extraction, it remains unclear how the breach went undetected for several years. AT&T confirmed that approximately 7.6 million current users and 65.4 million former account holders are impacted by the breach.

To mitigate the potential fallout from the breach, AT&T has reset account passcodes for affected users and provided guidance on enhancing security measures. A dedicated webpage has been established to inform users about the breach and offer instructions on securing their accounts. Additionally, the company pledges to communicate directly with both current and former users affected by the leak, ensuring transparency and accountability.

Continued Vigilance and Collaboration

As AT&T continues to investigate the breach and assess its impact, users are urged to remain vigilant and take proactive steps to safeguard their personal information. Collaboration with external cybersecurity experts underscores AT&T’s commitment to addressing security vulnerabilities and restoring trust among its user base.

For further updates and information on the breach, users can visit AT&T’s official website and stay informed about ongoing developments and protective measures.

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