Indian cricketer Ravindra Jadeja had to take to social media after certain accusations made by his father in an interview went viral on social media. Ravindra’s father claimed that his relationship with the Indian cricket team star and his wife Rivaba has been strained for a long time, prompting a reply from the all-rounder. In an event, even Ravindra’s wife Rivaba was asked about the accusations by her husband’s dad. But, the politician refused to dwell on the topic and reminded those questioning him of the purpose of the event.
“Why are we here today? You can contact me directly if you want to know about it,” Rivaba said when asked about the comments made by Ravindra’s father in a video shared by Zee 24 Kalak.
Earlier, Jadeja took to social media, calling the interview that his father gave as ‘meaningless and false’.
“The things mentioned in the dubious interview with Divya Bhaskar are meaningless and false. Those are one-sided comments that I deny them. The attempt to tarnish the image of my wife is improper and condemnable. I too, have a lot to say but it is better that I don’t reveal those things in public,” Jadeja said in a post on Instagram.
Earlier in the interview, Ravindra’s father revealed how his son and daughter-in-law live separately and barely communicate with him.
“Do you want me to tell you one truth? I have absolutely no relation with Ravindra and his wife, Rivaba. We don’t call them, and they don’t call us. The issues started after two or three months of their marriage.”
He even rued the fact that he made Ravindra a cricketer. Had that not happened, maybe things would’ve been different between him and his son today.
“I currently live alone in Jamnagar, while Ravindra resides in a separate bungalow of his own. He lives in the same city, but I don’t get to see him. I don’t know what magic his wife has done on him.”
“He is my son, and it burns my heart. I wish I hadn’t got him married. It would have been better if he hadn’t become a cricketer. We would not have to go through all this in that case,” Jadeja’s father said.
“Within three months of the marriage, she told me that everything should be transferred to her name. She created a rift in our family. She didn’t want the family and desired an independent life. I could be wrong, and Naynaba (Ravindra’s sister) could be wrong, but you tell me, how can all 50 members of our family be wrong? There’s no relation with anyone in the family; there’s just hate.”
“I don’t want to hide anything. We haven’t even seen the face of our granddaughter in five years. Ravindra’s in-laws manage everything. They interfere in everything. They are making merry now because they have got a bank,” Jadeja’s fatherhad further said.
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