AI in space! NASA to roll out ChatGPT-like chatbot for astronauts to talk to spacecraft


ChatGPT has taken over every aspect of human activity imaginable on Earth and now it is spreading its tentacles to space too. NASA engineers are working on the development of an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant. It is likely to be similar to ChatGPT. Amazingly, just like in science fiction novels, it will enable astronauts to have conversations with their spacecraft. For example, this advancement in communication capabilities brings to mind the iconic depiction of HAL 9000, the supercomputer in the science fiction novel “2001: A Space Odyssey” by Arthur C, Clarke – it conversed with mission pilots on a spacecraft bound for Jupiter.

The focus of NASA’s efforts is the Lunar Gateway. It is an upcoming “extraterrestrial” space station scheduled for launch in November 2024. This artificial intelligence-powered platform will allow mission controllers to communicate with AI robots which are exploring distant planets and moons.

The Lunar Gateway will be positioned in lunar orbit. It will be powered by solar energy. Its purpose is to provide extensive capabilities to support NASA’s Artemis campaign. Artemis campaign aims to return astronauts to the lunar surface.

According to a report in the Guardian, Dr. Larrisa Suzuki explained the AI assistant project at a meeting of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). During her speech, she said, “An interplanetary communications network with inbuilt AI to detect, and possibly fix, glitches and inefficiencies as they occur.”

Dr. Suzuki who is a visiting researcher at NASA, explained that the goal is to establish conversational interactions with space vehicles. The AI system will allow the vehicles to communicate and share interesting discoveries they observe in the solar system and beyond with astronauts.

The AI system will not only facilitate communication but also aid in detecting and potentially resolving glitches and inefficiencies. The system will also feature a natural language interface to enable astronauts to seek advice on space experiments through conversational interactions.


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