AI chatbots seducing victims as online scams get even more SINISTER


The use of AI chatbots in pulling off romantic online scams can make life a nightmare for the victims.

The world of online scams is constantly evolving. Today, there are a plethora of online scams duping victims including phishing scams, lottery scams, fake job scams, ponzi scams, tech support scams and romance scams. All of these scams work on the same principle — they first hook the victim with a lucrative offer and then try to siphon their personal and financial information and steal money from them. And now, romance scams are being weaponised due to the emergence of AI chatbots.

AI chatbots, such as the popular ChatGPT, are capable of having conversations with users with contextual and human-like responses. They also learn from the conversation itself and can adapt themselves as per the preferences of the user. As scammers are beginning to use these AI tools, it can make such scams even more dangerous.

AI chatbots can make romance scams harder to distinguish

Online scams such as romance scams are already difficult to distinguish because the entire premise of establishing a connection with someone and then making them trust the scammer takes weeks of conversation. But once a victim is hooked, it can be easy to get money out of them by using an emotional pitch. But with the help of AI, scammers can automate the build-up period of the scam and focus on increasing the number of victims.

Richard De Vere, the Head of Social Engineering at tech solutions firm Ultima, spoke with The Sun on the topic and said, “In the US alone…about 24,000 people fall victim to romance scams each year. Scammers using AI have the potential to automate a lot of their mundane work….”

This is why it is extremely important to adhere to some basic principles while dating online.

How to protect yourself from romantic online scams

1. Never send money to, or share your financial information with, anyone under any circumstances.

2. Do not share your personal information like Aadhaar card number, PAN card information, work or home address or any details about your daily routine that can be used to track you. These rules are essential for anyone you have not met so far.

3. Keep the conversation limited to the platform while you are still getting to know them. Do not share your phone number or any contact details right away.

4. Watch out for scammers who claim to be from your country but are somewhere else, especially if they ask for financial help to return home.

5. Be wary of anyone who will not meet in person or talk on a phone/video call—they may not be who they say they are. If someone is avoiding your questions or pushing for a serious relationship without meeting or getting to know you first — that’s a red flag.

6. And most importantly, report any suspicious or offensive behavior immediately to Tinder. This may save you as well as many others online.


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