Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s daughter Aaliyah Kashyap and her fiance Shane Gregoire hosted a grand engagement party in Mumbai on Thursday. In May this year, the couple got engaged in Bali. The engagement party was a starry affair with celebs like Suhana Khan, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Palak Tiwari, Khushi Kapoor and Kalki Koechlin in attendance. Amidst all the glitz and dazzle, what caught our eyes were the sweet treats. Videos and pictures, making rounds on the internet, show Aaliyah and Shane cutting a beautiful cake. Of course, the cake matched the white theme of their engagement party. With pristine white icing and vanilla filling inside, the massive cake was adorned with real white roses and baby breaths.
Praising the desserts, Aaliyah Kashyap also gave us a glance at the lip-smacking sweet dish counter at her engagement party. In the clip, which she shared on her Instagram stories, we saw diamond-studded banoffee frosty cupcakes with strawberry frosting on top of it. Guests at their engagement bash were also served pistachio macaron sandwiches with frosting in the middle, chocolate mousse decorated with its cube, cheesecake cups, and mini raspberry and white chocolate crunch pull-me-up cakes.
If this dessert menu left you craving sweet treats then don’t worry, as we bring you easy-peasy recipes that will make your day.
1. Vanilla Cupcakes
Who doesn’t love decadent cupcakes? This recipe is nothing less than a treat. Just the classic dessert without any fuss. What are you waiting for? Take a look at the recipe here.
2. Tiranga Mousse Cupcakes
It is believed that your food turns more appetising when there are more colours on the plate. This tiranga mousse cupcake is just the right example. You can prepare this lip-smacking recipe in less than an hour. Recipe here.
3. Matcha Tea Macarons
This French cookie will make you go weak in your knees. The perfect amalgamation of matcha green tea with white chocolate ganache in a macaron is an astounding Asian-inspired variation. Click here for the recipe.
4. Chocolate Oats Mousse
With a heavenly flavour that instantly melts in your mouth in just one bite, this recipe of chocolate oats mousse will impress any dessert lover. The dish is prepared with just four ingredients. Here is your recipe.
5. Deconstructed Rasmalai Mousse
For all the desi dessert lovers out there, deconstructed rasmalai mousse is the perfect fusion recipe. It is a lip-smacking combination of creamy mousse, strawberry compote and pistachio ice cream. Check out the recipe here.
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