3 WhatsApp hacks you need to try right now


Gone are the days of boring SMS and or struggling to send images via multimedia messages. WhatsApp has replaced SMS as the primary form of texting for millions of people. You’ve probably sent thousands if not lakhs of messages on WhatsApp but there are secret features buried just under the surface which can help elevate your user experience. Moreover, some of these features can do clever tricks, such as hide your online status, count the number of messages you’ve sent till date and more. So, check out 3 WhatsApp tricks you need to try.

Your digital Avatar can finally be uploaded as a WhatsApp profile picture! You can now use these 3D virtual images of yourself on WhatsApp as your profile photo as well as choose from one of 36 custom stickers reflecting many different emotions and actions within the app. Moreover, you can customize your avatar with style enhancements including lighting, shading, hairstyle textures, and more.

2. WhatsApp Stealth Mode

Earlier, WhatsApp used to let users hide their Last Seen but nothing could be done about the ‘Online’ status, but not anymore. Now you can enter stealth mode on WhatsApp by hiding your Online status. You can also select who can see your last seen status so that only the people you select will be able to see when you’re online.

3. WhatsApp Message Counter

Want to know how many messages you’ve sent to a particular person till date? There’s a feature for it as well! The Message Counter feature can count the storage space each chat is taking up, the number of messages and media you’ve sent till date, and more. The number of messages gets split into Sent and Received and it even works across devices so that you can keep a count of messages you’ve sent and received.


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