Top 5 women health apps that you should download now – Maya, Health Saathi, Aaptiv, more


If you are planning to improve your health and fitness, then these FemTech apps will surely help to achieve your goals. Check the top 5 women’s health apps.

Every year, many people add fitness to their new year resolutions, but there can be a case when a hectic schedule and lack of guidance may become a hindrance to achieving the goal. If you are one of them, then know that it can never be too late to think about your fitness and health. And to track your progress there are health apps, which also provide support and other resources online. Femtech, also known as female technology, has been developed to make women’s lives a little bit easier. If you are looking forward to it, then we have some recommendations for you. From fitness, and diet to menstrual hygiene – these apps will let you achieve all your fitness and health goals.

Top 5 women’s health apps

Maya app

Maya app was the winner of Facebook’s prestigious FbStart Apps of the Year award for 2017. Available on Google Play Store, the app is easy and fun to use to track menstrual cycles. Moreover, it will let you know the related symptoms, mood swings, pregnancy and your overall health status.

Health Sathi app

This app not just offers useful services for women, but also for children. Health Sathi aims to be a health companion for the entire family while offering babysitting services for children. It also has tied up with an authorized government testing agency which offers home-based genetic tests.

Flo app

Downloaded by over 230 million women around the globe, this app helps to track the ovulation and periods, fertility, and even be a pregnancy assistant.

Aaptiv app

If you are a fitness freak and like variety in your workout, Aaptiv is what you need. It helps you to reach your fitness goals with audio and video fitness workouts. It also connects you with fitness coaches. However, it is a paid app which comes with a 7-day free trial version.

MyFitnessPal app

This app will help you track your progress toward your nutrition, fitness, weight loss and water goals. This all-in-one food tracker and health app is like having a nutrition coach, meal planner, and food diary with you at all times. This is a health app to help you learn about your habits and make smarter food choices.


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