Tag: Uk covid

It Was Always Wrong: Rishi Sunak On “Fear Narrative” Of UK Covid Lockdowns

It Was Always Wrong: Rishi Sunak On “Fear Narrative” Of UK Covid Lockdowns

[ad_1] Rishi Sunak claims to have been among the few dissenting voice at the time.(File)London: Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak, a finalist in the race to succeed Boris Johnson as Conservative Party leader and British prime minister, on Thursday spoke out candidly against the "fear narrative" and partial analyses behind the country's COVID lockdowns.The 42-year-old former minister who was in charge at No. 11 Downing Street at the time revealed the behind-the-scenes goings on in the corridors of power for the first time in an interview with 'The Spectator'. While he does not argue that lockdown was a mistake, Rishi Sunak does reveal his many misgivings, a lack of proper factoring in of the trade-offs involved in completely locking down society and suppression of dissenting views within gove...